Sometimes Christ’s words are very strong, right? When we hear strong words, they make us wonder. If God loves us, why would he warn us with such vivid imagery? These shocking statements stop us in our tracks. But sometimes we need to stop, pray, and think. Sometimes we need strong words, and God knows this.
Sunday – Ordinary Time – Week 25 – Year B
Have we ever had to listen to someone’s accomplishments or the things they have, to listen to them honor themselves, as we are tempted to have a little bit of jealousy or at least feel a little insecure? Our youth brag about the sports they played, the toys they have. Later on, our teens brag about the parties they went to; boys, the number of girls they kiss; or girls, how old their boyfriend is; not a good thing. As adults we brag about the money we make, the college degrees we have, or the vacations that we take. Even grandmas, sorry grandmas please don’t drive me out, even grandmas get into the habit of bragging about their grandchildren. We brag about worldly success, even our sins. Are these the sources of our self-esteem; do these make a life truly great?