Sunday – Easter – Week 5 – Year C – Pope Francis

Sunday – Easter – Week 5 – Year C – Pope Francis

“By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another” (Jn 13:35).

Pope Francis’ homily to teenagers…

Dear young friends, what an enormous responsibility the Lord gives us today! He tells us that the world will recognize the disciples of Jesus by the way they love one another. Love, in other words, is the Christian’s identity card, the only valid “document” identifying us as Christians. It is the only valid document. If this card expires and is not constantly renewed, we stop being witnesses of the Master. So I ask you: Do you wish to say yes to Jesus’ invitation to be his disciples? Do you wish to be his faithful friends? The true friends of Jesus stand out essentially by their genuine love; not some “pie in the sky” love; no, it is a genuine love that shines forth in their way of life. Love is always shown in real actions. Those who are not real and genuine and who speak of love are like characters is a soap opera, some fake love story. Do you want to experience his love? Do you want this love: yes or no? Let us learn from him, for his words are a school of life, a school where we learn to love. This is a task which we must engage in every day: to learn how to love. read more

Sunday – Easter – Week 2 – Year C

Sunday – Easter – Week 2 – Year C

In all of our lives there are people who have locked the doors to the risen Christ; who have hardened their hearts to God’s love. We too may have done this in different periods of our lives. When we were children, we may have hidden our faith away out of fear of being made fun of in school. The apostles hid themselves, “out of fear of the Jews.” As adults, we may hide our faith away at work or even with friends and family. This is not good because our faith will weaken. Even the worst sinners have walked this path; their hearts have become hardened; they have locked whatever gift of faith God had given them away. But there is one thing that can pass through these walls and resurrect their faith and their life.