When we were children, we were not aware of the differing opinions of people in the world. Our only experience was our parents, and we were probably not very aware of their differences. As we got older, we gradually became aware of differences in peoples beliefs and views. In high school or earlier, we probably began to have discussions with our friends. At some time in our life, we may have become alarmed, and questioned what we believe asking, “On who can we depend for the truth?”
Sunday – Ordinary Time – Week 21 – Year B

Let us think back to when we were children and wanted something. Perhaps we wanted to go over to a friend’s house. Do we ever remember calculating in our minds which parent we were going to ask? -with which parent, we had a better chance of receiving permission, a better chance of receiving a yes for our little desire. Maybe mom and dad had different opinions on how often we could spend time with that particular friend, or maybe Dad was out a lot, and so when he was with us he only wanted to say yes and make us happy. [I mean, it couldn’t be that Dad was completely clueless when it came to raising children, could it? =)] Regardless of the reasons, at an early age we detected differences in our parents, differences in their teaching, different in what they taught us through what they allowed us to do. Now Christ is our ultimate teacher, he has the words of eternal life, but St. Paul tells us that the Church is united to him in marriage. Given that their bond is a “great mystery” as St. Paul says, do we expect to find the same differences in teaching between Christ and his bride as we did between our parents?