We like it when God makes promises to us. We know that he can keep them. Today’s promise is this; if we go out into the Lenten desert with Christ, we will return stronger than before.
Sunday – Ordinary Time – Week 19 – Year B

How many times has the weight of the world brought us to a place of darkness, the place of Elijah, where we say, “This is enough, O Lord! Take my life!” Each one of us has endured different difficulties, different sufferings. Immigration, separation, finances, sickness, all of these things weigh on us, and sometimes it is difficult to see the ray of light burning through the darkness. What path should we walk, is there any hope, my life is a mess, “This is enough, O Lord! Take my life!” But through grace we find prayer, and through prayer we find strength, and this strength has a shape, it is the Eucharist. Jesus Christ has given “his flesh for the life of the world”, for our journey through the desert to the Father.