Do we remember as kids not wanting to brush our teeth? It was an obligation. We only did it after being asked multiple times or after being warned of punishment. And what changed when we grew older… was it not that we started to “like someone?” All of a sudden we were brushing our teeth multiple times per day, chewing gum any time between. Winterfresh, Tic-Tacs, Binacha, Mentos! We go well beyond obligation when we like someone, when we want to grow in relationship. So what about God, do we like him? (see scripture readings)
Sunday – Easter – Week 2 – Year C

In all of our lives there are people who have locked the doors to the risen Christ; who have hardened their hearts to God’s love. We too may have done this in different periods of our lives. When we were children, we may have hidden our faith away out of fear of being made fun of in school. The apostles hid themselves, “out of fear of the Jews.” As adults, we may hide our faith away at work or even with friends and family. This is not good because our faith will weaken. Even the worst sinners have walked this path; their hearts have become hardened; they have locked whatever gift of faith God had given them away. But there is one thing that can pass through these walls and resurrect their faith and their life.