When a new friend or coworker asks, what are you doing this weekend, how many of us think to say, “I’m going to Church” as the first thing. It’s the most important thing we do all week, but for some reason, we may not always share that truth about ourselves as often as we could. It may be that we are hesitant to admit our need for God. But we do have a great need for God and also for his grace. The grace of God is like food. We hunger for it in our lives. It is also an inheritance, like the prodigal son who received an inheritance from his father.
Pentecost Sunday – Year B*

There are times when we have questions about what we should do. Times when we feel sick because of the sin in the world or the sins we have committed. Times when we are depressed and anxious about our present situations. This was the situation of the Apostles after the death of Jesus. The figures, the people, in the Bible are us. We re-live these moments every day of our lives. Today we celebrate Pentecost. For Christians it is the celebration of the gift of the Holy Spirit, but for the Jews it was the celebration of the Harvest. These two are connected for we find our beloved apostles receiving the Holy Spirit as well as the vocation to proclaim the Word of God. By cooperating with the Holy Spirit, they reap a great Harvest for our Lord.