How is $10 more than $100? We can’t see how this can be, but God always sees deeper than us. Today’s Gospel is an example of this. The rich offer large sums, but the widow who is poor offers more than them. We must go beyond what we can see in order to get at the truth which God shares. Yes, God calls us to support the work of the Church with money, but money is not the final result God is seeking. Regarding the small sum the widow offers, Jesus says, “She gave her whole livelihood.” The money was only a symbol of what was taking place in her heart. She was offering her whole being to God.
All Saints Day

Ever since we can remember we have longed to be members of a group. When we were children, we longed to be with our parents. When we first went to school, we longed to be accepted by friends. As we grow up, we embrace our nationality, our ethnicity, our culture, our heritage. We long to be in relation to one another, by things which we share in common. We long for this because God created us in his image, and he is a communion of persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God is a social being, and so are we. We are born into a family and journey toward a greater family, the communion of saints in heaven. God has described the journey in the beatitudes.