Do we remember as kids not wanting to brush our teeth? It was an obligation. We only did it after being asked multiple times or after being warned of punishment. And what changed when we grew older… was it not that we started to “like someone?” All of a sudden we were brushing our teeth multiple times per day, chewing gum any time between. Winterfresh, Tic-Tacs, Binacha, Mentos! We go well beyond obligation when we like someone, when we want to grow in relationship. So what about God, do we like him? (see scripture readings)
Sunday – Ordinary Time – Week 21 – Year C

When we think of salvation, are we even interested in it? Especially in our youth or early adulthood, when it seems that we have none of life’s hardships; it may feel that we have no need of salvation. But when we are more mature; when we have gone through some of life’s struggles, don’t we become interested in being saved? (see scripture readings)