Some of us struggle to experience joy in our hearts. In response we may guard ourselves against anything negative in our lives. This includes accepting “negative things” about ourselves. If we meditate on these things, what will free us from our sorrow? But scripture reveals that it is an awareness of our sin and allowing God to separate us from it; this is how we receive the gift of true joy. That is why John’s harrowing words are good news. These words, “God’s winnowing fan is in his hand to clear the threshing floor; the chaff will burn with unquenchable fire.” God is present to separate us from our sin and even make it pass out of existence with the fire of loving forgiveness leaving us joyful for the coming of our Christ.
Sunday – Advent – Week 2 – Year C

We don’t like to confess our sins; well maybe some of us do, but what about those of us who don’t? For two weeks now the scripture has been telling us to get ready for a visit. Christ is coming to visit us. He has visited us before, when he was born in the manger. And the scripture asks us to learn from the ancient people, to learn how to welcome him again. John the Baptist is telling us, “Prepare the way for the Lord.” Are we preparing the way for the Lord?