Sunday – Ordinary Time – Week 05 – Year C

Sunday – Ordinary Time – Week 05 – Year C

When was the last time you were astonished? Astonishment is a wonderful thing isn’t it? It happens when we encounter something unexpected and wildly good. Videos of this sort of thing are passed around on the internet every day. One of my favorites is when an infant shares his food. Have you seen these? There’s the one year old sitting in his chair, relishing his cheerios or spaghetti noodles, not even comprehending what he’s doing; he can barely control his arms well enough to put the food in his mouth instead of his chin… then he reaches out and tries to hand you a cheerio or a noodle. Where did that come from? What inspired that act of generosity? It came from his heart; there were no ulterior motives; only some glimmer of consideration for us to share in this goodness he was experiencing.