Why was our salvation brought about this way? There are many reasons, but one is because God wanted to convert our hard hearts. Sometimes we fail to see the wrong we are committing until someone gets hurt. I remember when I was child, there was a boy who wanted to be friends. I was in a clique, and we really tried to include him; but there was something different about him which frustrated us. I remember one day standing around him in a circle and seeing one of my friends push him down and kick him in the stomach. I remember the boy curling up into a ball and wailing. This is when I recognized that I wasn’t doing right.
Sunday – Lent – Week 2 – Year C

We make choices and perform actions which affect us both now and in the future. What we do gives things and people power over us. Consider the pilgrims of our country. Before they had their own government, England had power over them; to make laws and enforce laws but without representation where the laws were being made. They chose to take that power away from England, to reject taxation without representation, and to form a new nation. And so we see, that with our actions we have the ability to take power away from one thing and give it to something which represents us better. Lent is the time to take power back from the world, from its control over us, and give that power back to God.