When we think of salvation, are we even interested in it? Especially in our youth or early adulthood, when it seems that we have none of life’s hardships; it may feel that we have no need of salvation. But when we are more mature; when we have gone through some of life’s struggles, don’t we become interested in being saved? (see scripture readings)
Sunday – Ordinary Time – Week 29 – Year B

Apparently there are 7.4 billion people in the world, and we are the servants of all of them. It can be a bit overwhelming to think about. If we gave one penny to each person, we would need 70.4 million dollars. If we gave each person one second of our time, we would need to live 14,400 years. The temptation is to consider it impossible and to give up before getting started. If God had made us purely physical beings, it would be impossible. But because we are spiritual beings, a single work, for example a prayer, has the capacity of reaching all.