Like Peter we sometimes ask why the cross is necessary. Why did he allow his Son to experience the rejection and pain of the Cross? This was Peter’s question. He didn’t want Jesus to experience suffering. And sometimes we don’t want to experience it ourselves. Today our Lord asks us to accept the Cross; he says that new life for us will come from it. We also know that the Cross is God’s highest expression of his love for us. We can begin to understand this through an image of mother or father with their 1 year old.
Sunday – Ordinary Time – Week 23 – Year B

All of us have had some pain or some illness in life. This is part of our human experience. Ever since the first sin, the sin of the first humans, God has allowed us to suffer and die. We do not suffer by God’s hands, but he allows the fallen angels who hate him and his creation to introduce sufferings for us. He allows this because suffering actually helps us draw close to God and turn to him for salvation. One day he will take away all suffering, and this will happen when Christ comes again.