Our family members, friends, and neighbors may not be Catholic, are they called to come to Christ? If they are, this puts us in a difficult position. Not everyone wants their beliefs or experiences challenged. Because of this, our society is beginning to teach that all faiths, all beliefs, are equal. Do we believe this? Does God simply call a hindu to be the best hindu he can be or does he call all peoples to his Son, near and far? Let us look to the scriptures.
Sunday – Ordinary Time – Week 16 – Year B

We like to see movies and television shows with war and division, but this isn’t really how we want to live is it? If we are going to actually experience the effects, we’d rather live in peace and unity. On movies we find it exciting to see whole nations lined up with weaponry crashing into one another, or in soap opera type television shows, the betrayal and infighting between friends and family, but in reality, we don’t want war and division; it might bring excitement for a moment, but that moment is passing and we are left battered and sick. Instead we want a life of peace and unity amongst all people. When there is peace and unity, our culture, our humanity can flourish; the arts, education, and religion can be practiced more in times of peace. Instead of spending our energies on destruction and death, we can spend our energies on growth and life. But what brings unity and peace? In today’s second reading we are told, only Christ can bring peace to us. Only the Holy Spirit can bring true unity. Only God can stop the war and division between people and within each person.